Join BCI Global for an exclusive workshop the day before the AURP BIO Health Caucus in San Diego begins. This power-packed session on Monday June 3rd (afternoon) will equip you with the strategies and tactics to elevate your life sciences cluster or research park as an international innovation hub.

How to Position Your Life Sciences Cluster / Research & Science Park Successfully in International Markets?

Focus of this interactive workshop is understanding successful marketing methods to attract life sciences companies to your area. The workshop will be lead by René Buck, CEO of BCI Global.

The program consists of dedicated presentations with real-life cases and a panel discussion with leading execs of life sciences firms, which will share their experiences with locating production plants and R&D centers worldwide.


     1.30 – 2 pm   Registration & Networking

          2 – 3 pm   How to Market the Life Sciences Capabilities of Your City | Region | Science Park

     3 – 3.30 pm   Break

3.30 – 4.30 pm   Panel discussion & interactive Q&A with attendees

Register for this free of charge workshop : Register here

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