City and Region Marketing & Marketing Technology Cluster

The economic environment changes rapidly. To remain attractive for the already established companies and to attract new economic activities, it is imperative for cities and regions to have a solid marketing strategy and a comprehensive marketing plan.
Critical for a successful marketing strategy are an integral economic vision and the development of sound business concepts for improving the regional business climate.

At a regional scale level, the focus of a marketing strategy is on the development of business locations/sites/office parks/science parks/campuses. After development of the concept a feasibility assessment is next, followed by the realization of the new concept/business location and the organization of the marketing.

Proposition development

In developing a concept and proposition that are market and future proof, the following elements must be taken into account.
First, the proposition addresses specified target groups. Secondly, for a proposition it is necessary to have a clear definition of the competitive position compared with other competing locations, cities or regions. A city or region should be aware of its competitive advantages and disadvantages, conducting a benchmark study provides such insights. Finally, the branding of the location and its concept starts with a full understanding of the unique selling points.

Feasibility assessment

Based on a well-thought and competitive site concept, the next step is to assess the feasibility of the concept and specify future demand by discussing the concept with market experts and leading end-users. Secondly, the market demand has to be forecasted. What can be expected from the local, regional and international market? Finally, an in-depth analysis of the proposed target groups is needed to define the type of companies that really fit with your concept. At the end of the feasibility assessment, a ‘go-no go’ decision has to be made, or a decision to adjust the concept.

Realization Phase

Key issues in the route towards implementation are the co-operation with (potential) shareholders, stakeholders and (funding) partners and having a good understanding of the financial implications, timing, phasing of the development and project management.

Marketing plan

The marketing plan sets out the so called marketing mix. This is an optimum mix of instruments and resources to ensure effective and efficient activities. Many marketing instruments are available. Yet, for every cluster, business site or science park/campus, you will have to develop a specific marketing mix, answering the question: how to allocate the available resources in the most effective and efficient way?

City and Region Marketing & Marketing Technology Cluster & BCI advice

BCI offers an end-to-end solution in successful marketing of cities and regions, and in the development of successful business climates and locations.

Proposition development

  • Creation and development of specific site marketing concepts
  • Identification and selection of the most promising target markets
  • Analysis of location patterns and site selection behavior of leading companies/end-users in the target groups identified
  • Benchmarking with other sites/locations/cities/regions

Feasibility assessment

  • Feasibility study on site concept (e.g. expert opinion sampling, market testing)
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Cost-quality assessments and developing detailed marketing scenarios (short term/long term)
  • In-depth assessment of target groups or potential clients
  • Assessment of international market potential

Realization phase

  • Assistance in business plan development and project management (next 1 to 4 years)
  • Organizational advice on the site marketing organization (i.e. objectives, responsibilities, structure, people, budget)
  • Guidance in co-operation with stakeholders (via management workshops, roundtable discussions, public-private partnerships, etc.)

Marketing plan

  • Development of a comprehensive business plan
  • Compiling product papers, bid books, value propositions, brochures, databases, roadshows, etc.
  • Identification and selection of the right marketing mix: advertising, direct marketing, event marketing, PR/free publicity, internet, networking/multipliers
  • Operational marketing planning (next 6 to 12 months): actions and budgets
  • Hands-on training for marketing staff
    • investment project cases
    • how to contact and deal with companies
    • inquiries, fact finding trips, etc.

Learn more about City and Region Marketing & Marketing Technology Cluster?

National, regional and local regions and investment agencies (partial listing)


  • Austrian Business Agency
  • Vienna International Airport

Baltic region

  • Baltic Development Forum


  • AWEX, Wallonia Foreign Trade & Investment Agency
  • Port of Antwerp
  • Province of Liège/SPI+

Czech Republic

  • Ostrava Region


  • Copenhagen Capacity


  • Estonia Enterprise


  • Invest in Finland Bureau


  • BRA-Bordeaux
  • Chamber of Commerce Strasbourg
  • Haute-Marne Développement
  • Invest in France/AFII


  • Aachener Gesellschaft für Innovation und Technologietransfer (AGIT)
  • BIG/BIS (Bremen/Bremerhaven)
  • Bonn Regional Development Agency
  • Economic Development Agency Berlin
  • Economic Development Agency Herne
  • Economic Development Agency Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • Economic Development Agency Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Economic Development Agency Osnabrück
  • Economic Development Agency Sachsen
  • Economic Development Agency Schleswig-Holstein
  • Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen
  • Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
  • Hannover Region
  • Industrial Park Dorsten/Marl
  • IPA Niedersachsen
  • Logistics Initiative Eastern Ruhr Area
  • Port of Duisburg
  • Rostock-Laage Flughafen Entwicklungsgesellschaft
  • Stadt Halle


  • ELKE Greece


  • ITDH Hungary


  • IDA Ireland
  • Shannon Development


  • Finaosta/Valle d’Aosta
  • ICE
  • ITP Piemonte Torino
  • Sviluppo Italia


  • Invest in Latvia
  • Kaunas Free Economic Zone
  • Klaipeda Free Economic Zone
  • Latvian Development Agency
  • Ventspils Free Port Authority


  • Malta Enterprise


  • Invest in Norway


  • Faro Airport ANA
  • ICEP/Portugal
  • Porto Airport ANA


  • ADE/Castilla y León
  • CIDEM Catalunia
  • IMADE/Madrid Region
  • IVEX/ Land of Valencia


  • Berne Economic Development Agency
  • Canton of St. Gallen
  • Canton of Zürich
  • Zürich Baden Area

The Netherlands

  • Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Area
  • BOM (Development Agency for North Brabant)
  • Brainport Region Eindhoven
  • Chamber of Commerce Central Netherlands
  • City of Amsterdam
  • City of Deventer
  • City of Groningen
  • City of Leeuwarden
  • City of The Hague
  • City of Rotterdam
  • City of Utrecht
  • Dinalog
  • Holland International Distribution Council
  • LIOF (Development Agency of Limburg)
  • NFIA (Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency)
  • NOM (Development Agency for the Northern Netherlands)
  • Oost NL (Development Agency for the Eastern Netherlands)
  • Port of Rotterdam Authority
  • Port of Amsterdam Authority
  • Province of Flevoland
  • Province of Limburg
  • Province of North Brabant
  • Science Park Twente

United Kingdom

  • Invest in Nottingham
  • Invest Northern Ireland
  • Locate in Kent
  • MIDAS Invest in Manchester
  • Scottish Development International
  • Sheffield City Region Inward Investment
  • UKTI UK Trade & Investment
  • Yorkshire Forward
