Investments in infrastructure, seaports and airports

Global, continental and national logistics networks meet at the main seaports, airports and transportation hubs, where goods can be transshipped in all relevant directions. These hubs consist of the major seaports, airports and logistics hot spots. In most cases the larger European distribution centers are located within the near proximity of these hubs.


Our services include:

  • Development of strategies for seaports and airports, inland terminals and logistics regions
  • Benchmark studies on logistics competitiveness, including accessibility, logistics services, sustainable policies
  • Mapping economic impacts and carrying out feasibility studies
  • Development of logistics real estate concepts

Source: Buck Consultants International (2023)

Our vision on investment in infrastructure

Investments in infrastructure, seaports and airports are of great importance in order to build a sound investment climate for companies. The last years we noticed that these investments have become more focused on sustainability and are seeking ways to reach a more effective modal split. We believe that building the TENT network over Europa and similar infrastructure improvements in other continents will lead to more prosperity and well being of our citizens. Our company assist public as well as private clients in making the right choices and calculating all the effects of such huge investments.

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The BCI Approach

BCI works for clients in the following areas:

  • Developing strategies for seaports and airports, inland terminals and logistics regions - In these long term strategies (10-15 years ahead) the focus is on improving the competitive position for the clients. The objective is also to become an attractive location for (real estate) investors and logistics entrepreneurs.
  • Feasibility analysis and/or building the business case for possible new infrastructure - for example, multi-modal networks or a new intermodal terminal. This can include economic and societal impact analysis as well.
  • Development of innovative logistics policies and logistics innovations - The goal is to improve the sustainable accessibility and to guarantee efficient (low cost) transport to and from the seaport, airport or logistics region. This in turn is enforcing the factors which are important to companies when selecting a new location.
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