Marketing BOM
Attracting new foreign businesses to the region with a concrete marketing plan.
The Brabant Development Agency identified the high tech - semiconductor industry as a potentially interesting target segment for attracting new foreign businesses to their region. We were assigned to conduct a study to identify the opportunities in this industry, to develop a value proposition and to make a concrete marketing plan.
Project summary
The Brabant Development Agency is the development agency for the North Brabant Province in The Netherlands. Amongst others the agency is responsible for attracting new foreign investments to the region by conducting marketing actions targeted at specific segments and geographies and to facilitate interested investors in the best ways possible.
The agency recognized several big potential investments of semiconductor companies in Europe, as part of the strategies of those companies to become less dependent on China and to regionalize production further across the globe.
Our approach
Our project with Brabant Development Agency included the following phases:
1. Opportunity assessment
2. Sub-segment photonics deep-dive
3. Value proposition development
4. Marketing plan development
The project was conducted in close cooperation with the Brabant Development Agency team. The opportunity assessment was focused on determining the feasibility of a large semiconductor manufacturing plant to be located in The Netherlands. Also a more focused integrated photonics (microchips based on light signals) case was studied.
As a result of the opportunity assessment it was decided to further focus on the integrated photonics industry segment. A detailed value proposition for attracting this type of companies to The Netherlands was developed and a concrete marketing plan was developed.
The value proposition was developed along key building blocks:
- The key location requirements of integrated photonics companies (design, manufacturing, application)
- The strengths of the ecosystem in The Netherlands
- Positioning The Netherlands versus other photonics hotspot locations
The match between photonics companies’ requirements and the Dutch value proposition
A clear value proposition was delivered which can be used in inward investment marketing and a concrete marketing plan for structuring the future marketing approach was developed.